jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

The confrontation between David Ellis and Mr Streit

David Ellis the boyfriend of a girl called Amanda was watching from the wings he felt that his wooing was too much. At the end of the show there was a confrontation with Mr Streit in a Restaurant because he had embraced Amanda a little too long.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

third condicional sentence completion game

If I had been born a boy/girl
If I had been a girl, I would be a  nice sportish girl.

If I had been born in the USA
If Ihad been born in the USA, I would  practice american sports.

If I had been born an animal.
If I had been born an animal, I  would eat a lot of strange thhings.

If I had become a famous child,
If I had become a famous child, I would do crazy things and I would post on my Twitter a lot of things that whould be rong, in that way mi fans would become crazy.

If I had had ten brothers and sisters,
If I had ten brothers and sisters, I would rent a apartment only for me.

If I had got married at 15,

If I had got married at 15 I would sacrifice all my life for my woman.

If my family had won the lottery,
If my family had won the lottery I would go to travel all around the world.

If I had left school at 10,
If I had left school at 10 I would go to work in the market.

If I had never met my best friend,
If I had never met my best friend I would cry a lot.

If I had been born very poor,
If I had been born very poor I would work very hard to have a good life

If I had studied more last year,
If I had studied more last year I would study atlas like the last but better.

If I had gone to England last summer,
If I had gone to England last summer I would go this.

If I had been born 100 years ago
If I had been born 100 years ago I would invent the ipad.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Questions about me

If you could travel with your friends anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?

If I could travel with my friends anywhere I would go to New York. This is the central city of the economics of Earth. There are so many things to do like: visit the Statue of Liberty, or visit the Robert burns statue.

If you had the chance to ask God a single question, what would you ask Him?

I would ask him: How did you do to create the world in only few days?

Who would you like to meet if you had an appointment with a celebrity? What would you do? What would you talk about?

I would like to meet Ralf Lauren. I would like to go to one of his clothes factories where he can give me a lot of clothes. What is the recipe to be famous and very rich like him?

Things I would get, if my house gets on fire

These are the things that I would get if my house gets on fire:

-the documents of properties if I have ones.

-if I have money under the sofa I will get it.

-academic titles because are very important for a person in his life.

-photos with my family.

-expensive things that I can carry like: laptops, phones.