lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

1. What is Whydah?
The Whydah was a big, fast boat, which traveled to the Caribbean to trade the slaves for precious metals. It was built by the English people but the pirates stoll it.
2. Why is she famous?ç
The boat is famous because it transported treasures to England and the pirates attacked it.
3. Who was Sam Bellamy?
He was the captain who attacked the Whydah.
4. Who was Maria Hallett?
She was the lover of Sam Bellamy.
5. What happened in 1717?
The boat sanked
6. Where is the Whydah now?
The ship was driven onto the shoals at Wellfleet, Massachusetts.
7. Who is Barry Clifford?
Barry Clifford is the man who found de Whydah.
8. Why is the bell so important?
The bell is so important because it had the name of the bout wrote on, that confirmed that the story of the Whydah was true.
9. What is the conection between Sam Bellamy and Jack Sparrow?
Booth are pirates of important boats, booth had big treasures.
10. And what about his connection with The curse of the Black Pearl?
Booth traveled around the Carribean

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