miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010


This is a city near to Cambridge. It was built in an old stile. The builders wanted at first, to build 300 houses but later they built 900. A lot of young couples came to this city because this houses were cheaper an affordable.
There were a lot of parks and places where people can play and have fun, but they didn´t know each other so in Camborne wasn´t to much relation between humans.
The citizens started to make shops, schools, but in Camborne weren’t enough students to build a secondary school so they had to go to other city.
There were bad thing like the transportation, but also there were good thing like, nice people, less crime, new opportunities.

In 2008 were built 2600 houses, they want to build at last 4250.

Things pleasant and unpleasant that had passed in my life


1 When I was 8 years old, my parents bought me my firs computer. I fellt very happy.

2 My father was working in Spain while I was studying in Rumania. He sent me a radio control car. That was a gift that I used it a lot and at the moment the car is still working.

3 Wheb I was nine I went with my family to the beach. That was my first time that I had seen the sea. The experience was very exciting.


1 At seven years old a friend of mine died in an accident. I felt very disappointed because he was a nice person.

2 Many years ago my father was refurbishing the house. I was playing when I fell with my head in a sack of cement. The dust wasn´t letting me breathe. My grandmother camed and she cleaned me. After, I didn´t realize what had happened to me, but, I guess if my grandma had not been there, now, I would be dead.

3 Next to my house there was living an old, bad, woman. She was always throwing me stones. All my childhood was influenced in a bad way for that reason. Every night I used to have nightmares.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

1. When did Halloween begin?

The Hallowen began with the celts more than 2000 years ago.
2. What did the Celts celebrate on October 31st?
On October 31st they celebrate the end of the harvest season.

3. What did the villagers do on ‘Samhain’?
They consider this day the time between years, a magical time when the ghost of the dead walks on the earth, so the villagers make giants boun fires to drive the dead back to the spirit world.

4. Why was November 1st designated ‘All Saints’ Day’?
The cathelic church influences wore very strong at that time, the catholics tried to erase the celtc traditions, but they didn´t, so they fused the Samhain with a catholic tradition, the name of this fusion was All Saints´ Day.
5. When did the holiday go to America?
The holiday camed to America with the irish inmigrants, because the potatoes do not grew, so they didn´t have anything to eat.
6. What kind of blood do these bats usually dine on?
The bats drink the blood of other animals, rarely people.

7. What's another bat fact that surprised you?
Bats spread the seeds of plants such as bananas and mangoes.
8. Was Frankenstein originally brought to life in a painting, a book, or a play?
 In 1818, Shelley´s story was published as Frankestein, so originally Frankestein was brought to life in a book.

9. Who is the original creator of the Frankenstein monster and how old was she when she introduced this classic monster to the world?
The girl´s name is Mary Shelly (1797-1851). She was 34 years old when she introduced the monster to the world.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

William Travers Jerome

William Travers Jerome, New York's district attorney for much of the decade, was born in New York City. After attending a private preparatory school in Switzerland, he studied at Amherst College for three years before moving on to Columbia Law School, where he received his law degree in 1884. Three years after being admitted to the bar in New York, he was appointed an assistant district attorney. An appointment like this insured a steady income, but it depended on party loyalty: a political appointee had to be absolutely loyal to the party organization that appointed him. In this case, Jerome owed his position to the Democrats, and in return he was expected to be loyal to their organization, known as Tammany Hall. But in 1890 he joined the People's Municipal League, a reform organization, and returned to private practice.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Things that had passed in my life

In my birthday a firecracker has exploded in my hand.
I jumped off a bridge into a river with 12 m height.
I cryed when I saw a romantic film.
I played badminton with the best english player.
I have seen a train catch a friend.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Lord Byron

'I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs,
A palace and a prison on each hand:
I saw from out the wave her structures rise
As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand:
A thousand years their cloudy wings expand
Around me, and a dying Glory smiles
O'er the far times, when many a subject land
Looked to the wingéd Lion's marble piles,
Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred isles!'

Estaba en Venecia, en el Puente de los Suspiros,
Un palacio y una prisión en cada mano:
Vi de la onda sus estructuras levantarse
Como de un golpe de la varita del mago:
Mil años sus alas nubosas se amplían
A mí alrededor, y una Gloria que se muere sonríe
O'er los tiempos lejanos, cuando muchas tierras que son objeto
Miró a las pilas de mármol del león alado,
Cuando Venecia pueblo en el estado, coronado en sus cien islas!

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

the song of the movie A room with a view (o mi babbino caro by Giacomo Puccini)

The reason that the director of the movie A room with a view has chosen this song, is because the song tells us about a girl who whants her father permission to marry with a boy and the movie tell us quiet the same.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

keep calm and carry on

Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, to raise the morale of the British public in the case of invasion. It was little known and never used. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private sector companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products.