1. When did Halloween begin?
The Hallowen began with the celts more than 2000 years ago.
2. What did the Celts celebrate on October 31st?
On October 31st they celebrate the end of the harvest season.
3. What did the villagers do on ‘Samhain’?
They consider this day the time between years, a magical time when the ghost of the dead walks on the earth, so the villagers make giants boun fires to drive the dead back to the spirit world.
4. Why was November 1st designated ‘All Saints’ Day’?
The cathelic church influences wore very strong at that time, the catholics tried to erase the celtc traditions, but they didn´t, so they fused the Samhain with a catholic tradition, the name of this fusion was All Saints´ Day.
5. When did the holiday go to America?
The holiday camed to America with the irish inmigrants, because the potatoes do not grew, so they didn´t have anything to eat.
6. What kind of blood do these bats usually dine on?
The bats drink the blood of other animals, rarely people.
7. What's another bat fact that surprised you?
Bats spread the seeds of plants such as bananas and mangoes.
8. Was Frankenstein originally brought to life in a painting, a book, or a play?
In 1818, Shelley´s story was published as Frankestein, so originally Frankestein was brought to life in a book.
9. Who is the original creator of the Frankenstein monster and how old was she when she introduced this classic monster to the world?
The girl´s name is Mary Shelly (1797-1851). She was 34 years old when she introduced the monster to the world.